It was Storm at Flash for the final game of the 2013 season, Saturday July 6th , in what was a very exciting tight game that found the two teams in a win or go home match for the 2013
Southwest Division of NPSL 's Western Conference playoff spot. Storm taking first blood just 7 minutes in to the game as Forward Robbie Gouk collect the ball 20 yards out and directed a shot that left the Flash goal keeper Cameron Riley flat footed and helpless and Gouk gave the Storm a 1-0 lead.
The Flash came back with one of their own in the 36th minute as Lee Underwood Flash midfielder found the back of the Storm net in a may-lay on the 3yard line and he managed to seek one in under keeper Miguel Lopez.
Then in the second half the Flash was awarded a penalty kick with the game on the line and the score
Miguel Lopez Storm Keeper |
even Flashes Michael Sommerfield took the PK and it was Storms keeper Miguel Lopez that came up big with the save keeping the score even. The Storm began attacking and with force then in the 85th minute it was the Storm who was awarded a trip to the spot for a foul in the box. Forward Robbie Gouk was called upon to give the Storm the much needed lead late in the game. Gouk took the PK and planted it in the back of the net. But wait the referee call encroachment on the Storm .
Encroachment is when a player on the attacking team steps in to the box before the kick is taken.

An encroachment calls for a retake of the kick. Hold on instead the Referee called for a indirect kick for the Flash. This is not a miscall on the official, it is a misapplication of a FIFA rule 14. There for it can not remain a 1-1 tie. a correction of the
misapplication has to take place.
NPSL is looking in the course they will take to correct the mistake.
It is not any different the playing different times in each half one 45 one 30 just because the Referee said so. Cant be done. will post the leagues answer as soon as in is available. The final spot in the Southwest playoff position is still up for grabs.